Daniel Eduardo Horta Portfolio Data Analyst

My Story

Professional Me

I finished my Computer Engineering degree at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (UPIICSA). I am interested in exploring the fields of data science and analytics. I love stadistics and using software to solve problems with a business justification so I am looking to grow as a data analyst and use my knowledge and experience to achieve company goals.


Java C++ Python Kotlin
MySQL PHP JavaScript

My favorite languages for systems programming, web automation, and data analysis.


Git VSCode Tableau GitHub Android

My favorite tools for version control, code editing, and container orchestration.

Featured Projects


HR Department Report

Graphic report for the human resources administration of the SKU DON company that analyzes:
-Analysis by employee
-Total Employees
-Average age
-Total Salary Costs, Salary/Age Ratio
-Performance evaluation Max, Min and by boss

Check it out!


Netflix Dashboard

Dashboard generated with a dataset of all the movies and series available on the Netflix platform Meets the following objectives:
-Creates a measure that allows to quantify the number of movies available
-Determines the number of programs by type
-Determines the number of programs by rating
-Titles by Country
-Titles by Release Year

Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/shivamb/netflix-shows

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Time/Revenue Dashboard

Dashboard made using the public dataset "E-Commerce Data" of a British company.
The main objective is to know if there is a direct relationship between the hours and the profits of the company.

Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/carrie1/ecommerce-data

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Videogame sales

Interactive report that allows you to analyze the sales of millions of copies of video games globally by the categories of:

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Recetario App

Recipe Book App

I developed a homemade recipe application using Java to add the ingredients and the procedure to follow. The creation of this app helped me to understand the operation of activities as well as their life cycle and the implementation and use of graphic tools.

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Quizz App

Quiz App

I created an application / game that consists of a questionnaire of 13 questions in which the user can indicate if the statement is true or false, if the answer is correct, a point is added to the score. During the creation of this app I learned how to use the Toast function as well as how to keep track of the user's score.

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Dice App

Dice App

It is a simple application with the only function of rolling a pair of dice to obtain a random result, the dice can be rolled indefinitely. I learned to create a system that could give a random result and to improve my skills using graphic resources.

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Bola Magica

Magic Ball App

This app is based on the famous Magic 8-Ball toy in which the user asks the ball a question to shake it and wait for an affirmative, negative or neutral answer. For its development, the knowledge acquired during the creation of the dice app was used because it is very similar, the creation of icons for the application and a different way of structuring the code were also learned.

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Apps de prueba

Simple Apps

During my learning process in Android Studio I created different basic applications for the study of basic concepts such as RadioButton, CheckBox, Spinner, ListView, WebView, SharedPreferences, etc. This app is one of those where its only objective is to enter a text and in another activity show it on the screen.

Check it out!



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